When developing an Application/Website in Core PHP We always need a common PHP file which includes Common PHP function. Before calling Common PHP function you always need to inject the common PHP file using require_once PHP function in our code base. Symfony framework provides Service functionality which makes programming easier, fast and promotes reusable and decoupled code.

Create service in symfony

All you need to do is creating Simple PHP class and inject it by creating a service and you can use it from anywhere in your application.

Create a Service in Symfony Framework

After install Symfony Application, First of all we need to create service class in which we will declare variables and global methods.

Directory Structure


GeoController contains two function and constructor has injected request and container. You can declare as more functions as you want in this controller.


After creating methods, Now it’s time to Register your service. Open services.yml and add new service as mentioned below.

After creating service, finally clear the cache by running below command in root of your application.

Now, A service is created successfully and accessible from all the Commands, Controller, Bundles.


Inject service and calling getIpAddress() function is quite easy and fast.


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