Python is one of the top programming languages and easy to learn for beginners. In previous tutorial we have learned how to install Python in Windows system, Create Twitter Bot using Python and Tweepy. Here is another tutorial in Python serial. In this article we will learn how to download file from Url using python 3.

Read More: How To Install Python in Windows

As we are using Python 3 here, you can also use other python version such as python 2.7 as well.

How To Download File using python Script

Start from importing the python modules to download the file and updating download status to user.

import will import the python libraries such as urlopen libraries. urlopen module is used to access file from URL.

Specify File Url and Getting Files Details from URL

Download File Using URL

Below code will download file and show download status to user.

python print is used to display the output to a user. It will calculate how much file is downloaded and how much is remaining to download using buffer.

Full Code

Save the file as in file directory (Eg. D:/ for windows). Here .py is file extension for python scripts

To Execute the file, Open Command Prompt or Terminal in case you are using Linux operating system and run below command.


Download File using Python Output

Above Image: Show the output of execution


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